To Our Generous 2023 Contributors: Thank You!

Your donation to Child Care Resources assists us in meeting our mission of helping kids grow into successful adults by enriching the learning environments of their crucial early years. Low-income parent who struggle to pay for child care while they are working are grateful for you. Parents are thankful for CCR’s efforts to improve the early education environment at area child care facilities. We thank you for your role in helping kids grow up to be successful adults!

2023 Donors
Louis L. Borick Foundation
$1,000 - $2,499
Soroptimist International of Hamilton
Susan Talbot
Pam & Daniel Volkmann
$500 - $999
Ann Sharkey
Earl and Bertha Pruyn Foundation
Gabrielle Gee
Michelle & Bruce Parks
Office Solutions of Missoula
Kristin & Travis Morss
Kelly Rosenleaf
Tiffani Swanson
$250 - $499
First Security Bank
Andrew Simspon
James Caras
$100 - $249
Anonymous Donor
Genny Padgett
Irene Tiefenthaler
Hide & Sole
Jennifer Williamson
Lauren O'Connor
Mary Lyn & Ron Uemura
Suzanne Ginn
Vikki L. Williamson Bell
Up to $99
Anonymous Donors (2)
Barbara Sherrill
Mark Kayll
Regina Souza
Mitch & Robin Pang
We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this list. If you find an error, please contact us at 406.728.6446.