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Uwekaji alama za vidole

Wafanyikazi wote wa malezi ya watoto (miaka yote) na wanakaya (wenye umri wa miaka 18 na zaidi) katika vituo vya kulea watoto nyumbani wanatakiwa kukamilisha ukaguzi wa kuridhisha wa alama za vidole wa FBI ili kupata leseni.

We will have paperwork for you to fill out when you arrive for your appointment. You must bring a valid government-issued photo ID. You must also either be at least 18 years of age or have a guardian present to provide consent for the appointment. We ask that you wear a mask during your appointment and have them available in our office.

If you have lived in the following states, we will need to conduct a second set of fingerprints and send you with a hard copy to mail to each state's licensing office:

  • Alaska

  • Alabama

  • Arizona

  • California

  • Colorado

  • Delaware

  • Idaho

  • Mississippi

  • New Mexico

  • Nevanda

  • Oregon

  • South Dakota

  • Texas

  • Utah

  • Washington

  • Wisconsin

  • Wyoming

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